Vertonung des Spielfilms ‚Marie und die Nacht der Vergeltung’ (Regie Manuel Siebenmann)
Vertonung des Spielfilms ‚Marie und die Nacht der Vergeltung’ (Regie Manuel Siebenmann)
Scoring the movie “The invention of the curried Sausage” (written and directed by Ulla Wagner)
First Prize for Barbara Sukowa as ‘Best actress’ at the Montreal World Film Festival, where the film was shown in the highly regarded international competition.
Audience Award at the 13th German Festival in Paris
Nomination for ‘Best Music’ at the Bavarian Film Prize (unfortunately in this year no film music prize is awarded.)
Scoring the documentary “Arche Noah im ewigen Eis” (directed by Friedemann Hottenbacher).
CD release of “Komponiert in Deutschland – Christine Aufderhaar” in the context of the Berlin Film Festival. The CD was released by the film music label ‘Normal Records’ and is part of the film music edition “Komponiert in Deutschland ” (Composed in Germany), which was initiated by the film magazine “Filmdienst”.